Area Resolutions

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Areas usually contain one or more zones, which in turn contain rooms, mobiles, and items. Following are the area fields that can currently be retrieved and set via the resolution operator. Each description is prefixed with either [G] gettable, [S] settable, or [G,S] gettable and settable. Resolutions are case sensitive.

General Information
Various fields to retrieve and set area information.
@area->id [G] The integer ID of the area.
@area->uniqueId [G] The unique ID for a particular instance of the area loaded into the game. This will change when the area is reloaded.
@area->key [G] The name of the area as used to load it into the game. This is often a simplified version of the name. Example: mansion.
@area->name [G] The name of the area as would show up in a help file. Example: Puppet Mansion.
@area->infoName [G] A slightly more detailed version of the name that might be used to give informaiton about something. Pazam has an mobile that you can pay to tell you where an item came from. Currently convention is being used to hide this info for some areas in which case the value has been set to "hmmm...that information is shrouded in mystery". Example: the Gamemaster's Mansion.
@area->creator [G] The name of the area creator. Sometimes may sometimes be set to "Unknown" or "Stock". Similarly it may include additonal information such as "Buffett - Major rewrite by Galimatazo and Blobbie".
@area->timeUpdate [G] The time when the area will next be completely reloaded. Due to the long crash-free uptimes that the MUD enjoys these days, it was necessary to implement a complete area reload system every couple of days to purge any state information since some areas would never reset quests unless the server was rebooted. The time is return as a Unix timestamp (seconds since the epoch).
@area->continentId [G] The ID of the continent in which the area resides. Continents at this time have an influence over summon and gate spells since you can't jump between them using these spells. You should never store the continent ID or compare against a a literal integer value since it could change. It is better to store/compare against the key value.
@area->continentPtr [G] A unique pointer to the continent data structure that can be used with continent specific resolutions.
@area->continentKey [G] The simplified name of the continent which will consist of only alphabetic characters and underscore. If you need to store a continent identifier of compare against an explicit value then you should use this value. Example: western_islands
@area->continent [G] The name of the continent as might be displayed to a player. Example: Western Islands

Fields for retrieving information about any zones in the area.
@area->zones [G] Returns an array of zone pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->zones->total [G] Returns the number of zones in the area.
@area->zones->count [G] An alias for @area->zones->total
@area->zones->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first zone in the area.
@area->zones->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last zone in the area.
@area->zones->head [G] An alias for @area->zones->first
@area->zones->tail [G] An alias for @area->zones->last

Fields for retrieving information about any rooms in the area.
@area->rooms [G] Returns an array of room pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->rooms->total [G] Returns the number of rooms in the area.
@area->rooms->count [G] An alias for @area->rooms->total
@area->rooms->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first room in the area.
@area->rooms->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last room in the area.
@area->rooms->head [G] An alias for @area->rooms->first
@area->rooms->tail [G] An alias for @area->rooms->last

Fields for retrieving information about any mobiles in the area.
@area->mobiles [G] Returns an array of mobile pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->mobiles->total [G] Returns the number of mobiles in the area.
@area->mobiles->count [G] An alias for @area->mobiles->total
@area->mobiles->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first mobile in the area.
@area->mobiles->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last mobile in the area.
@area->mobiles->head [G] An alias for @area->mobiles->first
@area->mobiles->tail [G] An alias for @area->mobiles->last

Mobiles (PC)
Fields for retrieving information about any PCs in the area.
@area->pcs [G] Returns an array of PC pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->pcs->total [G] Returns the number of PCs in the area.
@area->pcs->count [G] An alias for @area->pcs->total
@area->pcs->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first PC in the area.
@area->pcs->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last PC in the area.
@area->pcs->head [G] An alias for @area->pcs->first
@area->pcs->tail [G] An alias for @area->pcs->last

Mobiles (NPC)
Fields for retrieving information about any NPCs in the area.
@area->npcs [G] Returns an array of NPC pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->npcs->total [G] Returns the number of NPCs in the area.
@area->npcs->count [G] An alias for @area->npcs->total
@area->npcs->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first NPC in the area.
@area->npcs->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last NPC in the area.
@area->npcs->head [G] An alias for @area->npcs->first
@area->npcs->tail [G] An alias for @area->npcs->last

Fields for retrieving information about any items in the area.
@area->items [G] Returns an array of item pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward.
@area->items->total [G] Returns the number of items in the area.
@area->items->count [G] An alias for @area->items->total
@area->items->first [G] Returns a pointer to the first item in the area.
@area->items->last [G] Returns a pointer to the last item in the area.
@area->items->head [G] Alias for @area->items->first
@area->items->tail [G] Alias for @area->items->last

Items (deprecated aliases)
Fields for retrieving information about any items in the area. This style is deprecated since the term "object" can be confused with object oriented programming terminology.
@area->objects [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items
@area->objects->total [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->total
@area->objects->count [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->count
@area->objects->first [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->first
@area->objects->last [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->last
@area->objects->head [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->head
@area->objects->tail [G] DEPRECATED. Alias for @area->items->tail

Inventory (mobiles and objects)
These fields are used to retrieve the area's contents with respect to mobiles and objects. Using these fields for retrieval provides an aggregation of the mobiles and objects found in the area with mobiles taking precedence in any returned results. Additionally, using these meta fields allows indiscriminate movement of items and mobiles into the area.
@area->inventory [G] Returns an aggregate array of mobile and item pointers currently in the area. Entries are indexed sequentially from 1 onward. mobiles are listed first.
@area->inventory->total [G] Returns the combined total number of mobiles and items in the area.
@area->inventory->count [G] An alias for @area->inventory->total
@area->inventory->first [G] Returns the first mobile in the area, or if there are none, then the first object.
@area->inventory->last [G] Returns the last object in the area, or if there are none, then the last mobile.
@area->inventory->head [G] Alias for @area->inventory->first
@area->inventory->tail [G] Alias for @area->inventory->last

Inventory (mobiles and objects -- short alias)
Exactly the same as the inventory field counterparts except less typing is involved :)
@area->inv [G] Alias for @area->inventory
@area->inv->total [G] An alias for @area->inventory->total
@area->inv->count [G] An alias for @area->inventory->count
@area->inv->first [G] Alias for @area->inventory->first
@area->inv->last [G] Alias for @area->inventory->last
@area->inv->head [G] Alias for @area->inventory->head
@area->inv->tail [G] Alias for @area->inventory->tail