
A special headbutt full of appreciation goes out to all the current immortals and players, without whom there could be no Carnage. Carnage acknowledges their dedication and love, and such has been well tested over the years, especially during the time of the "Great Dissent" during which many of the immortals turned their backs upon Carnage to start a Visual Basic MUD (it never got off the ground *lol*).

Gratz for the initial web site design, pretty much what you see right now, goes out to Martin Lalonde, a work colleague and friend of Blobbie, for putting in his time and his heart to make a really neat looking site... and Martin doesn't even MUD!

Thanks go out to Blobbie for writing all of the code that makes this website work. Credit goes to him for the creation of InterJinnTM, a content management system complete with templates, dynamic modules and LXML transformations. Also recognized is all the content he has written, buttons he has created, and general evangelism to promote the Worlds of Carnage.

Last and definitely the least, thanks goes out to the Project Xers, the veritable members of the "Great Dissent". Had they not seen fit to start their own, less than "agile" mud, there could not have been a new day of glory for the Worlds of Carnage - we salute them!

Please visit each of the links to your left for more information about the contributors, and developers of the Worlds of Carnage.