
Response Typespecial
EntitiesRooms, Mobiles, Objects

    Sets a special procedure for a room, mobile, or object. Any ONE of the
following special procedures can be declared for the procName parameter:

Room Special procedures:

bank - Makes the room capable of banking actions.
corlathSlayer - No idea.
dump - Items dropped in the room are purged.
kingsHall - No idea.
movers - Allows players to change their hometown.
prayForItems - No idea.
recruiting_center - Once a day high level players can recruit.
recruitingCenter - Alias for "recruiting_center".
temple - No idea.

Mob Special Procedures:

awayTeam - No idea.
bknight - No idea.
blackKnight - Alias for "bknight".
cretan - Cretan guards do something via this.
DoppleGanger - No idea.
fido - Eat corpses but leave behind items.
greedy - Deprecated I think.
guard - No idea.
janitor - Go around purging stuff lying about.
linkteacher - Teach link skill.
mayor - No idea.
pospriest - No idea.
puff - No idea.
receptionist - Allow players to rent out.
sheriff - No idea.
Skeeter - No idea.
snake - No idea.
sundhavenGuard - Ask BadMood.
sundhavenGuardian - Ask Badmood.
teacher - Can teach skills, use with "set_teach".
Terminator - No idea.
vulture - Alias for "fido".

Object Special Procedures:

atm - ATM machine for small banking needs.
badmoodMirror - Portal mirror.
board - Can post messages on boards.
chalice - No idea.
crashProofChest - Contents survive crashes.
fountain - Can drink infinite water from fountains.
incinerator - Purges things put in it.
magicFountain - Like a fountain but VERY refreshing.
magicTelescopeArea - Object can be used to view players in the area.
magicTelescopeWorld - Object can be used to view players in the world.
magicTelescopeZone - Object can be used to view players in the zone.
mailbox - Interface to MUDmail system.
messageBoard - Alias for "board".
poster - The greatest poster in Elkin.
sundhavenPortal - Another portal thingy.
tankard - No idea.
teleportal - Yet another portal thingy.
vampireChalice - Fill with blood for creating vampires.