
Aliases%viewMobileGroup( )
Parametersmobile @viewer, mobile @target [, string @flag1 [, string @flag2 [, ...]]]]

    This function will render the output that @target would see when viewing
their group information ('group' command). The output will be from the
context of @viewer. The following flags can optionally be specified either
as one of the @flag parameters or as an array whose values are the flag
names or as a combination of both techniques.


It is likely that for most use cases that you won't need to set any flags
since the defaults have been arranged for the most common purposes.


@busybody = %getNpcPtr( busybody )
@janitor = %getNpcPtr( janitor )

@view = %viewMobileGroup( @janitor, @busybody )
%echoTo( @view, @self )

See Also: View Functions Flags