
Aliases%stringSmokify( )
Parametersstring @text [, integer @smokiness]

    This function will modify the given @text by replacing characters at
random with a period (.). The amount of replacements done is dependent on
the @smokiness parameter which represents the percent of characters to
replace. If this is not provided then 50 is used as the default. The
replacements are done in such a way as to preserve any colour tags or ANSI
escape sequences, and so it is safe to use on colour enabled text. The
"smokified" text is returned.


%mobSendBufferOpen( @actor )
%do( @actor, "look" )
@buffer = %mobSendBufferGetContents( @actor )
%mobSendBufferClose( @actor )

@buffer = %stringSmokify( @buffer, 30 )

%echoTo( @buffer, @actor, allowSleeping, noFormat )