
Aliases%stringGetModifiableIndexes( )
Parametersstring @text

    This function will return an array containing all the indexes of characters
in @text that can be modified such that colour tags and ANSI escape
sequences are preserved. These indexes can then be used to modify the text
in a safe way. For instance, the %stringSmokey() function uses the internal
version of this function to make content look "smokey" by replacing
modifiable characters with periods.


%mobSendBufferOpen( @actor )
%do( @actor, "look" )
@buffer = %mobSendBufferGetContents( @actor )
%mobSendBufferClose( @actor )

@indexes = %stringGetModifiableIndexes( @buffer )
@indexes = %arrayShuffle( @indexes )

// 30% character replacement.
@maxChars = (%arrayGetSize( @indexes ) * 30) / 100;

for( @i = 0; @i < @maxChars; @i += 1 )
if( @buffer->(@indexes->@i) != "\n"
\ &&
\ @buffer->(@indexes->@i) != ' ' )
@buffer->(@indexes->@i) = '.';

%echoTo( @buffer, @actor, allowSleeping, noFormat )