
Aliases%purge( )
Parametersmixed @entity [, mixed @entity2 [, mixed @entity3 [, ...] ] ]

    Purges the target entities from the game immediately. The number of purged
entities is returned. Entity may be a mobile, object, exit, or buff
pointer. It may also be a keyword for a mobile or object. Arrays of
pointers may also be passed but the values may not be keywords (they must
be pointers). it is strongly recommended that this function be given
pointers rather than keywords. Keywords can cause improper targets to be
purged when an unexpected target shares the keyword.


%purge( @n, @t )

%purge( %getItemPointer( gold_chain ) )

%purge( %roomGetExits( 4611 )->east )

%purge( %getItemsWithId( 123456 ) )