
Aliases%move( )
Parametersmixed @sourcePointer, mixed @targetPointr [, string @wearName]

    Moves the source to the target. The source may be either a pointer to a
mobile, a pointer to an item, or an array of mobile or item pointers. The
number of successfully moved entities is returned. You CANNOT use
keywords, if you feel the need to use a keyword, then use
%getItemPointer( keyword ), or %getMobPointer( keyword ) to get a pointer.
The target may be a pointer to a mobile, a pointer to a container item, a
pointer to a room, or a room number. If the target is a pointer to a
character then you may optionally supply a third parameter for a wear
location. You may use the ID of the wear location or one of the following

light legs rightWrist
leftFinger feet rWrist
lFinger hands wield
rightFinger arms wielded
rFinger shield wielding
neck1 about hold
neck2 waist held
body leftWrist
head lWrist affects