
Aliases%isAffectedBy( )
Parametersmixed @entity, string @affectName, [string @affectName2, ...]

    Returns 1 if the given character or object is affected by all of the named
affects, which follow the entity as parameters, are set on the entity.
The following named affects can be used:


bash fear paralysis
blindness feign death parry
champion mode fly poison
channel follow protection from evil
charm group sanctuary
chill touch half hp regen sense life
curse half mana regen shocking grasp
deadly poison half move regen silence
death's door heat of battle sleep
detect evil hide sneak
detect invisibile immortal stealth strength
detect magic infravision summoned
dominated invisibility sweeping
double hp regen lich touch water breath
double mana regen light water walk
double move regen movement impaired


anti-evil glow no remove
anti-good hum paladin only
anti-neutral invisible ranger only
bless mage only striking
cleric only magic thief only
dark no drop two-handed
evil curse warrior only
expire no give wear expire


// This checks that BOTH affects are active.
if( %isAffectedBy( @n, "chill touch", "lich touch" ) )
cast dispel magic @n

// This checks if EITHER affect is active.
if( %isAffectedBy( @n, poison )
\ ||
\ $isAffectedBy( @n, "deadly poison" ) )
talk @n You look like you're in pretty rough shape!