
Aliases%filterActionWords( )
Parametersmixed @words

    Takes a string or array parameter. If the parameter is a string then a
string will be returned with filler (non-action) words removed. If the
parameter is an array then an array will be returned with the filler word
values removed and re-indexed from 1 onward. The following are considered
filler words:

a, an, in, into, from, with,
within, the, on, onto, at, to


@input = "put the apple in the bucket"
@input = %filterActionWords( @input )

echo Action Input: @input


Action Input: put apple bucket


@input = "put the apple in the bucket"
@input = %stringToWords( @input )
@input = %filterActionWords( @input )

foreach( @input as @key => @value )
echo Key: @key, Value: @value


Key: 1, Value: put
Key: 2, Value: apple
Key: 3, Value: bucket