
Aliases%arrayShuffle( )
Parametersarray @anArray

    This function takes an array and shuffles the order of the values and
returns the randomly ordered array with all of the values re-indexed from
1 onward.


@foo->1 = "Foo 1"
@foo->2 = "Foo 2"
@foo->3 = "Foo 3"
@foo->4 = "Foo 4"
@foo->5 = "Foo 5"

@shuffled = %arrayShuffle( @foo )

foreach( @shuffled as @key => @value )
echo Key: @key, Value: @value


Key: 1, Value: Foo 4
Key: 2, Value: Foo 2
Key: 3, Value: Foo 3
Key: 4, Value: Foo 5
Key: 5, Value: Foo 1