
Aliases%getTotalHere( ), %getTotalHere( ), %getTotalHere( )
Parameters[string @entityType,] mixed @entity

    Returns the number of characters or objects in the same room as the script
owner that have the same vnum. The entity may be a character pointer,
object pointer, or a keyword for a character or object.

Returns the total number of entities having the same ID as the given
@entity that are in the same room. If @entityType is provided then the
entity is matched to its type. The value of @entity may be one or more
keywords, an id, or a pointer. If an ID is given then the room matched
will be the same as the script owner.

If the @entityType is not provided and @entity is not a pointer, then the
matching may be ambiguous between items and mobiles. In such cases the
mobile is given preference.

NOTE: It is advisable to use a pointer or @entityType with an ID.