Cythera Leveling Areas

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This page is under construction! Currently editing this page more to come soon. Any suggestions mudmail or message Mishra in game. Thanks. All direction from Gargoyle

General Directions

Gargoyle to Inn (rent) s, w, d

From the Cytheran Dock to the Gargoyle. (Cytheran Recall) s, e, s, w13

Hans: (sells recall scrolls, portal tickets, yellow potions, etc.) 2e, s, e

Gargoyle to Elip: 6s, 12w, s, 2w, 2s, w, s, 2w, n, w, open bush, w, 3n, 3w, 3s, 3w, 3s, w

Gargoyle to Elven town: e13, n, w3, n2, e, n4, e, n, e, n13, w, n2, w8, n, w3

Low level training areas

South Plains: (kill small creatures wandering the plains.) 8s

Lament: (rats, cat-sized rodents) 2n, 2e, 2s

Lonely Forest: 4s, 5w, north-direction

Dark forest: (boars, bears, wolves, and wargs.) 6s, 9w, n

Mid level training areas (level 25+)

Desert of king sol: (geckos, camels, prairie dogs, coyotes, and cacti.) 2n, 3e, n, 2e, n, 7e, 6n, all w, s, 2w, 7n, 2e, 2n, w

Jungle of mist: (many of the creatures here can poison and are very aggressive,) 6s, 12w, s, 2w, 2s, w, 5s

Mono forest: (wide level range of mobs here) 6s, 12w, s, 2w, 2s, w, s, 2w, n, w, open bush, w, 3n, 3w, 3s, 3w, 3s, all w, s, 3w, n (savage mono's to the far west of the forest are very as aggressive)

Sea South of Mono: (great exp for mid level chars) 6s, 12w, s, 2w, 2s, w, s, 2w, n, w, open bush, w, 3n, 3w, 3s, 3w, 3s, all w, s, 3w, 3s (octopus, stingray, swordfish, elemental, whale)

Bhrona Castle: e13, n, w3, n2, e, n4, e, n, e, n13, w, n2, w8, n, w3, n3, w5, n3, e, n4, e, n2 (to front gate) w, u, n, d, e (to bypass gate, must be flying)

High level training areas (level 60+)

Sundhaven from Gargoyle: (Being invisible is a good idea) Level 60+

e13, n, w3, n2, e, n4, e, n, e, n13, w, n2, w8, n, w3, n3, w10, s, w2, n2, w6, n6, w2, n4, e, n3, open gate

Antioch: (soldiers attack anything not human)

2n, 3e, n, 2e, n, 7e, 6n, all w, s, 2w, 7n, 2e, 2n, 5w, 4s, d, 5n, e, 2n, e, 2n, e, 2n, u, 2w, s, 5w, 2n, 2d, 2s, d, 2e, 2s, u, 3s, open south