I'm not saying that Vampires should have immortal strength, just the allowance to wield weapons that are not able to be carried by mere mortals.
I am not sure about different weapons, and are there even any around? Perhaps you are thinking about Herald's maul, but carrying that does not depend on strength..it is coded to be auto droped, and that code (I suspect) has nothing to do with your strength.
I do think it would be cool if vampires had high enuf strength to dual some more powerful weapons, but when vamps first started here (the first couple days) they had a much larger strength bonus (something like +15 or +20...don't remember exactly), but no damage bonus (or at least a pretty small one). Turns out the damage bonus was a heck of a lot better. Also, if you have +20str added at night...that means you will be -20 str during day. Not sure if any vamps want that.
Humm, Luz might like to see a vamp with -20 str during the day.....