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 Post subject: Artificer
PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:16:30pm 
Joined: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:15:41pm
Posts: 3
for lack of better word, the class Artificer

With no magical abilities, and very basic possibility of combat, an artificer relies on his intelligence and understanding of situations, very dextarious the artificer is able to create machines to do his bidding and is able to learn new things very easily. He/she depends on their understanding of how situations work to better create their machines, for example in order to make a machine better at combat the artificer would need to understand the combat in order to exploit it.
with the uncanny ability to create machines capable of improving health, some able to defend themselves, and others capable to defend their creator

the machines, without much artificial intellegence, must be commanded what to do

also, the artificer could follow 2 paths, biological creation or mechanical creation, the mechanical is like the description above. Biological creation on the other hand allows the creator to either use their own body focused into an attack, thus sacrificing monuverability ond allowing for a greater loss in health from an attack. Or, if studied properly, the artificer uses its enemies biology against them. almost like a level drain, or health drain, the artificer would know how and where to attack after proper study of the animal
study would probably have to be made into a skill, or disection for the biological path
but thats kinda intricate, not very simple
kinda of a mix of jack of all trades: learning a lot, thief: high dexterity and ability to use small tools, and cleric: in creating health benificial equiptment

might have artificer be a secondary class only, being a warrior or jack of all trades as primary in order to keep the artificer alive while in the younger stages of his life.

just a thought, idk how much work it would take tho

and wasnt sure which forum under suggestion this would go, its not a skill or spell, nor a race :?


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