Worlds of Carnage

It's Only Blurry Words.....or is it?
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Author:  Kodie [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:49:28pm ]
Post subject:  It's Only Blurry Words.....or is it?

If you have thought of Worlds of Carnage as a second home (rl escape?), then I am sure you have 'been there, done that' all over the lands. We may hurry around, mindlessly leveling. But I wonder how many take the time just to be fascinated by the room descriptions. A lot of thought and imagination that has gone into them throughout the realms.

Take just the city of Cythera for example. Sure, most of us know it by heart, but I (well my character has) walked within its walls and begun to take notice of the rich and colorful narratives and scene-setters.

At the risk of boring the hell out of everyone, I have amassed a few random tidbits that particularly caught my eye as I sped around (at the rate of one level per 10 char years) town. Tribute is worthy
of the authors. Enjoy or flame on ;)


sooty fog
they chase the air
belching chimneys
black sails and red banners flowing arrogantly
a great tholus
drips tea-colored water into a basin
seem to undulate with the passing sun
nearly ten men high
creating a lust for drink in your heart
the Gonloring army of the North
the wicked breed like rats
stinks of bubbling pitch
stinks of deceit
invisible island in a sea of nonexistence
used for abacinations
an improbable perversity
A vile waterfall
casting knifelike shadows

violently slapping flesh nearby
A Plutonian gloom
endless circular parade of filth
their precious flesh long since gnawed from their bones

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