Worlds of Carnage

Vhronia (Level 12-20)
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Author:  Kayenta [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:15:01am ]
Post subject:  Vhronia (Level 12-20)

Heading west from elkin you come across the town of Vhronia. Here, red elves and blue lords tenaceoulsly guard their city. If your really lucky you can help save the girl and get a prize =). Good place to find potions and other magical necessities.

Oh dear......How did I get poisoned?.............

Author:  Grael [ Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:33:49pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vhronia (Level 12-20)

Heading west from elkin you come across the town of Vhronia. Here, red elves and blue lords tenaceoulsly guard their city. If your really lucky you can help save the girl and get a prize =). Good place to find potions and other magical necessities.

Oh dear......How did I get poisoned?.............
Vhronia is upwards of lvl 35 depending on the build you're using.

The Lord, one of the freaks at the fountain, and Louis are not for any lvl 20.

Author:  Marton [ Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:12:02am ]
Post subject: 

Not sure which category to put this in, but I think mid rather than newbie?

Author:  Grael [ Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:07:54pm ]
Post subject: 

Not sure which category to put this in, but I think mid rather than newbie?
It's a Hybrid area Marton. The guard elves in red and guard men in blue are great kills for a lvl 12 if the char was put together alright (e.g. you have to have some sort of killing power). They flee, so you have to hunt them down to get the exp, but at this level they're exp gold.

Of course there are tasty commoners to kill, but not great for exping. The males of Vhronia may be good for a lvl 6-8.

After that, the magikal guards are tougher - mid levels. And the Friar is a target too.

I never kill the sentry's there. Much too tough for a mob that gives the same or about as much exp as a much easier to kill Cimmuran guard.

The unique, killable mobs in the area are better for lvl 30+s - depending on which unique mob yer targeting. They dole out really good damage and have some added attacks of warriors. But they can give the mid range char some good exp.


Author:  Armand [ Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:33:15pm ]
Post subject:  also

Dont forget the quest of the 2 lovers. Their families dont like that and will do anything to prevent them from gettin together. The nurse will help but probably fail. The fool will believe her dead, the dagger will have some blood on it. Also Vhronia is home of the famous Kelbin, mixer of potions, ask him what you need to get some.

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